Saturday, 12 June 2010

This one has been a bit of a struggle. The hull angles make the wheelarch angles all the more complex, and they are also cambered. The Daimler Benz and Bussing NAG versions now look a lot simpler than the Magirus M206 version of the 6-Rad, but hindsight is not a valuable thing until after the work is done. I still have to add the grille, rollers, the stowage box fronts, and the turret details, but it isn't far off completion. I'll be glad if this one comes out in resin.
I pity the caster.

I'm also waiting for the metals for the Adler, which hopefully will be here soon. Combined with the 231 8 Rad and 221 LAC, I have an almost complete early war German Recce unit.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Standard 10 Light Utility

Standard Motors of Coventry came up with a rival to the Austin 10 light utility with this more military looking conversion of their 1936 Standard 10 saloon car. With a full length tilt, and pick up rear load bed, the Flying Standard 10 "Tilly" was a common sight with British Armed Forces. Many were used in France and belgium, and subsequently left behind. Production continued, and these were found driving across the Libyan desert, and into North West Europe in 1944.
This is a three part resin casting, with a driver. It looks like a 1930's Landrover, with all the cross country abilities of a rowing boat.

Price is £10 and it will be appearing on the website soon. They are available now.

Anyone need an ambulance ?

Another release is the Austin K2 Ambulance. From 1938 until the end of the Second World War, these were seen everywhere, from Dunkirk to D-Day and beyond.
I will get these on the website as well, but if you are in urgent need of one, then email me.
Price £16.

Phanomen Granit H25 truck

I now have the German Phanomen Granit H25 light truck for sale. The resin model comes in three parts, with separate wheels. The windscreen aperture and side windows are cast in, using thin resin membrane, which can be removed if so desired with a sharp craft blade.

Current price is £15.
I will get it added to the website in short order, but if you cannot wait, then email me anyway.